Monday, January 24, 2011

share tugas:)

kemaren abis dapet tugas biologi suruh buat laporan praktek yang prakteknya dilakuin di SEMESTER SATU!!!
gila po"-,-
hohoho...ha ya uda padha lupa semua... apalagi aku nggak ikut praktek"-,-
tapi akhirnya jadi juga laporannya:D
just wanna share this report:P hihi


Green algae, fungi for making tempe, seaweed, and Paramaecium are living organisms that are familiar around humans. The benefits can be felt, either directly or indirectly. And all this time, students observe about protists only through books and explanation from the teacher. And by direct observation, students can learn more about the process of conjugating Paramecium and body structure of green algae, fungi, tempeh, seaweed, Paramecium, etc., because students see for themselves what was previously only in books.

Goal of the report
1. To understand the structure of green algae, fungi, tempeh, seaweed, Paramecium
2. Knowing the process of conjugating Paramecium

Materials and Equipments
1. Digital microscope
2. Microscope
3. pin
4. Tweezers
5. Razor blade
6. Preparate
7. Drop pippete

1. sea weeds
2. Tempe
3. water from the pond
4. water

1. prepare all the materials and equipments
2. put all the materials that will be observed
3. a.for sea weeds,slice thinly by using razor blade
b for tempeh, tempeh using a needle to take mushrooms
c. for pond water, take by using the drop pippete
4. Place in glass preparations, use the water to attach (less water)
5. place the preparations, on the microscope. Set position to obtain enough light.

Eksperiment result


Spirogyra genus of green algae of the order Zygnematales. He usually found in freshwater. Spirogyra able to photosynthesize, a eukaryotic cell. The main pigment contained green algae is chlorophyll. Filament-shaped body that is not branched. Body length reaches 1 foot (30.48 cm). Yarn is made by the protoplasm of transparent and each cell has 1 or more kloropasyang extends from one end to the spiral-shaped. At the ribbon-shaped kloropas pirenoid there. Pirenoid is surrounded by starch granules.

the Pirenoid surrounded by starch granules and bound in the plastids at intervals uniformly and is a striking characteristic in each cell. Cytoplasm surrounds the large central vacuole. Nucleus surrounded by a veil of cytoplasm, are in the middle of the cell and linked by strands of cytoplasm extending cytoplasmic vacuoles and lining at the edge. Asexual propagation by fragmentation to form aplanospora, akinet and partenospora. Breeding sexual conjugation and conjugate lateral skalar.Spirogyra a phytoplankton that serves as a food fish. Plankton-rich region is an area rich fishing waters. Spirogyra is a primary producer, namely as a provider of organic matter and oxygen for water animals, like fish, shrimp, and aquatic insects.
Tues spirogyra has a core which is located in the middle, wrapped by cytoplasm of the cell wall, and has a large vacuole. Thin layer of gelatin which protects all the cells that give a certain character in spirogyra. During the day, photosynthesis is rapid and the oxygen produced is stored between filaments. At that time, Spirogyra will rise to the surface water. At night, the dissolved oxygen back into water.
Spirogyra reproduce by conjugation, fragmentation (disconnection talus).

The composition of classification in Spirogyra is trending follows:
Divisio: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Zygnematales
Family: Zygnemataceae
Genus: Spirogyra
Species: Spirogyra sp.
Found in a clear pool of fresh water in a very large mass, usually live floating on the water surface (planktofit). Talus in Spirogyra is an unbranched filament.
Spirogyra filamentous colony. The length of the cell up to several times its width. Lateral wall of the cell consists of three layers. The outermost layer of pektose, and two layers in the cellulose. In some species, pektose thin layer, but much thicker, that is between 10-15 microns. Transverse wall is composed of 3 layers: the middle of the lamella from pektose, and two layers on the left and right lamella composed of cellulose. Each cell contains a grain of Spirogyra chloroplasts are generally bulky and bound in the cytoplasm just inside the cell wall. These plastids resemble memilikibentuk ribbon, twisting from the base to the ends of the cell (spiral).


Green algae / Chlorohyta is one class of algae based dyes or its pigmentasi. Green algae is a single-celled and some are multicellular form of yarn, sheets or form colonies of species of single-celled green algae exist that can move, but some are permanent.

Algae play a role as a producer in the ecosystem. Many types of algae that live freely in water, especially single-celled body and can play an active role is a constituent of phytoplankton. The majority of phytoplankton are members of green algae, the pigment chlorophyll which has so effectively carry out photosynthesis of green algae are primary producers in aquatic ecosystems.

Green algae is a type of algae terbessar and most live in freshwater, some of which live in sea water and brackish water. In most cases attached to rocks and often occurs when the receding water.
Type of living diair fresh, cosmopolitan nature, especially living in a light quite like ponds, lakes, puddles, green algae also found in semi-aquatic environment that is on the rocks, moist soil and damp tree bark. Some members live in the water float or drift, some live as plankton. Some species that live there are attached to plants or animals.

Some examples of green algae are often found in the pool among other things:
a.Chlorophyta not moving single-celled
1. Chlorella
2. Chlorococcum

b. Chlorophyta can move single-celled
c. Chlorophyta shaped colony does not move

d. Chlorophyta shaped colonies can move
1. Volvox

e. Filamentous Chlorophyta
1. Spyrogyra
Spirogyra genus of green algae of the order Zygnematales. He usually found in freshwater. Spirogyra able to photosynthesize, a eukaryotic cell. The main pigment contained green algae is chlorophyll. Filament-shaped body that is not branched. Body length reaches 1 foot (30.48 cm). Yarn is made by the protoplasm of transparent and each cell has 1 or more kloropas that extends from one end to the spiral-shaped. At the ribbon-shaped kloropas pirenoid there. Pirenoid is surrounded by starch granules.
Spirogyra reproduce by conjugation, fragmentation (disconnection talus).

Single cell spyrogyra
Tues spirogyra has a core which is located in the middle, wrapped by cytoplasm of the cell wall, and has a large vacuole. Thin layer of gelatin which protects all the cells that give a certain character in spirogyra. During the day, photosynthesis is rapid and the oxygen produced is stored between filaments. At that time, Spirogyra will rise to the surface water. At night, the dissolved oxygen back into water.
f. Chlorophyta shaped sheet
1. Ulva
2. Chara

Chloroplast pigment owned group Chlorophyta namely chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, beta carotene and various xantofit (lutein, violaxantin, zeaxanthin). Carotene appears as a character reddish yellow color. While xantotif appear as yellow color with a unique color shades. According levavascur (1989) that photosynthetic pigments and in green algae chlorophyll a and b contain shiphoxanthim or lutein.

Body Composition
Green algae have a body composition that varied both in size and in shape and susunanya. There Chlorophyta consisting of small cells which is a threadlike colonies which ramify or not, there is also a form colonies that resemble kormus higher plants. Of the many variations of green algae are grouped as follows:
1. Single cell (unicellular) and motile, for example: Chlamidomonas
2. And non-motile single cells, eg Chlorella
3. Colonies senobium the colonies that have a certain number of cells that have a relatively fixed shape, eg Volvox, Pandorina.
4. Colonies not bertauran, eg tetrasporas
5. Shaped - unbranched filaments, eg, Ulothrix, Oedogonium
• Filaments branched, for example: Chladhopora, Pithopora
1. Hetemtrikus, the branching filaments that form is divided into sections that fall down (prostrate) and part upright, for example: Stigeoclonium
2. Foliaceus or parenkimatis, namely filament vegetatisnya cell division occurs more than one field, eg, Ulva
3. Tubular, the talus is pick a lot of the core without transverse bulkhead, for example: Caulerpa

Cell structure
The cell walls are composed of two layers, the inner layer is composed of cellulose that can give the hardness of the cell wall and the outer layer is pectin. But some nations algae volvocales walls do not contain cellulose, but is composed of glycoproteins. Caulerpales cell walls containing xylan or Mannan.
Proliferation of Chlorophyta occurred with 3 ways:
1. Vegetatively
Perkembanganbiakan vegetative fragmentation in Chlorophyta with her body and pebelahan cells.

2. Sexually
- Through the breeding is mating conjugate spirogyra example.
- Isogami the fusion of two gametes is the same shape and size.
- Anisogami the fusion of two gametes are not the same size.
- Oogami the fusion of two gametes of one small and moving (the sperm), the other big move is not (as eggs)
Some examples of sexual reproduction:
- Isogami: Chlorococcum, Chlamydomonos, Hydrodictyon
- Anisogami: Chlamydomonas, Ulva
- Oogami: Chlamydomonas, Valva, Spirogya, Aedogonium
3. Asexually
Perkembanganbiakan asexually can occur with the formation of:
- Zoospores are two examples Chlamydomonos berflagel cell
- Aplanospora the spores that did not move for example Chlorococcum
- Autospora namely aplanospora similar to stem cells such as Chlorella

Fungi for Making Tempe

Zygomycota have coenocytic hypha and have long multinuclei, haploid hypha that comprise their mycelia. Zygomycota have sexual spores are in the form of zigospora with thick wall. Microscopically, the mycelium of zygomycota has three types of hyphae, rhizoids, stolon, and sporangispor.
• Rhizoids are functioned like root
• Stolon forms a network on the surface of substrate
• Sporangispor grows upright in the surface of substrate, it bears sporangia on its end that produces spores.
The one example of zygomycota is rhizopus oryzae used in the production of tempe.

Spyroghyra’s conjugation

The conjugation steps in the picture above, namely:
• Two threads close together.
• Furthermore, the adjacent cells together to form the bulge.
• Then the second end of the protrusion in contact with each other to form a channel conjugate melt.
• Through the channel it came to pass the flow of protoplasm from one cell to another.
• Then, both plasma melting, this event is called plasmogami.
• This was followed by the fusion core called kariogami.
• The smelter was established zigospora diploid.
• Zigospora undergo meiosis and develop into an appropriate place Spirogyra new threads haploid.
Conjugation is a cell division which is a reproduction of a single-celled animal. Conjugation event begins with two cells approaching each other, then the two cells are stuck together at the mouth of the cell for mating. This means that both these cells are doing conjugation. Furthermore, conjugates are formed between the two cell lines of this. And through these channels occurred exchange micronucleus. Micronucleus from one cell to move to another cell, so is vice versa and so on. Furthermore, the following image is an example of conjugation events:

Spyroghyra 2

Spirogyra is to moss, commonly found in fresh water channels and ponds. Algae is unique to form a spiral pattern of chloroplasts in its filaments. Read on for more information on green algae.
Spirogyra is a form of free-floating filaments of green algae, are usually seen as a bright green mass on the surface of freshwater ponds and ditches. This is a genus of algae, green algae, belonging Zygnematales orders. 'Spirogyra' name comes from the spiral arrangement of chloroplasts in the body such as the filament. This is a unique feature of this genus, which has nearly 400 species. Spirogyra looks like green filaments move with the flow of water and very slippery to the touch. This helps them prevent other aquatic organisms from the attached himself to it.


Spirogyra cells are cylindrical in shape and connected end to end, forming a structure, such as long unbranched filaments. The cell walls consist of outer layers in a layer of cellulose and pectin. Inner surface of the cell walls coated with a thin layer of cytoplasm. Spun ribbon-shaped chloroplasts are embedded in a layer of cytoplasm. The number of chloroplasts in each cell can vary 1-16. Each chloroplast has several round bodies called 'pyrenoids', which is responsible for the production of starch. Each cell has a prominent nucleus in the center, suspended by a thin strand of cytoplasm from the inner cell wall. Cells are long and thin, and every act of Spirogyra filaments between 10 to 100 micrometers wide. Occasionally, these filaments have a structure such as roots, which help them attach themselves to substrates

Spirogyra capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction occurs through fragmentation of the cell. Sexual reproduction can be of two types: conjugation scalariform and lateral conjugation. In conjugation scalariform, adjacent filament cells develop a small tube like structure called 'conjugation tube', which fuse together to form a 'channel conjugation' a. Cytoplasm of male cells to flow through the canal into the female cell cytoplasm and fuse with the latter. The next step is fusion of gametes (mature sexual reproductive cell with a set of chromosome pairs) to form the zygospore. The zygospore, thick-walled, is a brownish color and oval or circular in shape. Spores are released to form new filaments. Types of algae conjugation gives the appearance of such steps, as interlinking filaments.

In lateral conjugation, cells of adjacent filaments together to develop conjugation tubes to form a curved channel conjugation. Zygospore development process is the same as a scalariform conjugation. The only difference between the two forms is that in the former, conjugation occurs between two adjacent filaments, but within, the last cells of the filament adjacent the same conjugate to form the zygospore.

Spirogyra is commonly found in water and produce food through photosynthesis. You can easily identify with the structure of the filaments of green algae and freshwater habitats.


1. Gametophyte = Producing Gametes
2. Zoospores = One form spores that are the result of asexual reproduction
3. Pirenoid = Grain starch-forming proteins.

- Typical characteristics:
1. Live in freshwater, marine, salt lakes, hot springs, and trees.
2. Having pirenoid.
3. Oval.

1. Protococcus is the best known green algae.
2. Chlorella is a unicellular algae oval.
3. Ulva has a wide talus.
4. Spirogyra shaped like a green-colored yarn containing a spiral-shaped chloroplasts.
5. Ulothrix live attached to rocks on the surface using a tool attached to a holdfast.

1. Green Algae
a) Algae are autotropic protist which have cell wall and perform photosyntesis.
b) Algae usually life in fresh water, sea water, salty lakes, hots springs, and tree stems.
c) Spirogyra reproduce by conjugation, fragmentation (disconnection talus).
d) Talus in Spirogyra is an unbranched filament.
e) Spyrogyra is a green thread like organism, which contain spiral chloroplas.
f) Green algae / Chlorohyta is one class of algae based dyes or its pigmentasi.
g) Many types of algae that live freely in water, especially single-celled body and can play an active role is a constituent of phytoplankton.
h) Chlorophyta devided into 4 class, there are Chlorophyta that not moving single-celled, chlorophyta can move single-celled, chlorophyta shaped colony does not move, filamentous Chlorophyta
i) Spirogyra genus of green algae of the order Zygnematales.
j) Spirogyra reproduce by conjugation, fragmentation (disconnection talus).
2. Fungi
a) The one example of zygomycota is rhizopus oryzae used in the production of tempe.
3. Spyrogyra’s conjugation
a) Conjugation event begins with two cells approaching each other, then the two cells are stuck together at the mouth of the cell for mating.
b) Conjugation is a cell division which is a reproduction of a single-celled animal.
4. Spyrogrya
a) Spirogyra is a form of free-floating filaments of green algae, are usually seen as a bright green mass on the surface of freshwater ponds and ditches.
b) Spirogyra cells are cylindrical in shape and connected end to end, forming a structure, such as long unbranched filaments.
c) Spirogyra capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction occurs through fragmentation of the cell. Sexual reproduction can be of two types: conjugation scalariform and lateral conjugation.
5. Seaweed
a) Live in freshwater, marine, salt lakes, hot springs, and trees.
b) Having pirenoid, and has oval shape.

hhaha...sumpah ini laporang ngarang banget:P

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